Cristina Cella

Avdelningen för finansiell stabilitet
Sveriges Riksbank
SE-103 37 Stockholm, Sweden
Telefon + 46 8 787 06 40
Climate-related risks, sustainable finance, corporate finance and firms’ vulnerabilities
2005 – 2008
Ph.D. in Finance
University of Naples Federico II, Italy
Thesis: Does Ownership Structure Matter for Returns and Returns Volatility?
Advisors: Marco Pagano and Andrew Ellul
2006 – 2008 Visiting Doctoral Scholar
Kelley School of Business, Indiana University
Master in Economics and Finance, MEF
University of Naples Federico II
2002 – 2003 Erasmus Exchange Student, Economics and Finance
Université Montesquieu Bordeaux IV, Bordeaux, France
1999 – 2003 Degree in Business Economics, magna cum laude (First Class)
University of Naples Federico II
Policy work
Areas of Interest
Climate-related risks, firms’ vulnerabilities and financial institutions.
Published Papers
Taking their temperature: Swedish mutual funds and the Paris Agreement, Staff Memo, April 2023. Sveriges riksbank.
Fifty shades of green: the colour of Swedish equity funds, Staff Memo, October 2022. Sveriges riksbank.
The COVID-19 pandemic crisis and vulnerable firms. Evidence from Sweden, Staff Memo, October 2021. Sveriges riksbank.
Banking and climate-related risks, implication for financial stability, Staff Memo, May 2021. Sveriges riksbank.
Bankruptcy at the time of COVID-19: the Swedish Experience, Staff Memo, November 2020. Sveriges riksbank.
Zombie firms in Sweden: implications for the real economy and financial stability, Staff Memo, September 2020. Sveriges riksbank.
Appendix A – Do higher capital requirements affect lending rates, appropriate capital ratios in major Swedish banks – new perspectives, Staff Memo, May 2017. Sveriges Riksbank
Research Interests
Institutional investors and financial institutions, corporate finance, corporate governance, firm's ownership structures, performance, corporate investments, entrepreneurship
Published Papers
Institutional investors and corporate investment. Finance Research Letters, 2020
Investors' Horizons and the Amplification of Market Shocks, with Andrew Ellul and Mariassunta Giannetti, Review of Financial Studies, vol. 26-7, p. 1607-1648, 2013. (Lead Article)
Family Firms’ Stock Market Performance, Chapter 2 in Managing Ownership and Succession in Family Firms, Scholar Publishing House, 2009.
Previous work experience
July 2010 – July 2017
Assistant Professor of Finance
Stockholm School of Economics
2008 – June 2010 Postdoctoral Scholar in Finance
Kelley School of Business, Indiana University