Results of auctions 2020-05-05
Auction | Result of auction SEK Kommuninvest Bonds |
Auction date | 2020-05-05 |
Loan | 2109 |
ISIN-code | SE0006995064 |
Coupon | 1.00 % |
Maturity | 2021-09-15 |
Tendered volume, mln SEK | 1,000 +/- 500 |
Volume offered, mln SEK | 3,516 |
Volume bought, mln SEK | 1,000 |
Number of bids | 8 |
Number of accepted bids | 2 |
Average yield | 0.036 % |
Lowest accepted yield | 0.031 % |
Highest yield | 0.040 % |
% accepted at lowest yield | 78.00 |
Acution | Result of auction SEK Kommuninvest Bonds |
Auction date | 2020-05-05 |
Loan | 2302 |
ISIN-code | SE0009662943 |
Coupon | 0.75 % |
Maturity | 2023-02-22 |
Tendered volume, mln SEK | 1,000 +/- 500 |
Volume offered, mln SEK | 3,426 |
Volume bought, mln SEK | 1,000 |
Number of bids | 14 |
Number of accepted bids | 1 |
Average yield | 0.090 % |
Lowest accepted yield | 0.090 % |
Highest yield | 0.090 % |
% accepted at lowest yield | 100.00 |
Auction | Result of auction SEK Kommuninvest Bonds |
Auction date | 2020-05-05 |
Loan | 2410 |
ISIN-code | SE0010469205 |
Coupon | 1.00 % |
Maturity | 2024-10-02 |
Tendered volume, mln SEK | 1,000 +/- 500 |
Volume offered, mln SEK | 3,909 |
Volume bought, mln SEK | 1,000 |
Number of bids | 27 |
Number of accepted bids | 9 |
Average yield | 0.222 % |
Lowest accepted yield | 0.217 % |
Highest yield | 0.225 % |
% accepted at lowest yield | 14.00 |
Acution | Result of auction SEK Kommuninvest Bonds |
Auction date | 2020-05-05 |
Loan | 2602 |
ISIN-code | SE0013745452 |
Coupon | 0.75 % |
Maturity | 2026-02-04 |
Tendered volume, mln SEK | 1,000 +/- 500 |
Volume offered, mln SEK | 2,606 |
Volume bought, mln SEK | 1,000 |
Number of bids | 11 |
Number of accepted bids | 6 |
Average yield | 0.363 % |
Lowest accepted yield | 0.354 % |
Highest yield | 0.370 % |
% accepted at lowest yield | 19.20 |
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Uppdaterad 2020-05-05
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