Economic Commentaries
Economic Commentaries are short analyses of issues relevant to the Riksbank. They may be written by individual members of the Executive Board or by employees at the Riksbank. Employees’ commentaries are approved by their head of department, while Executive Board members are themselves responsible for the content of the commentaries they write.
- 09/05/2022 Could the banks cope with large deposit outflows? Assessment according to a new liquidity metric
- 20/04/2022 Financial stability risks following reduced demand for offices
- 13/04/2022 How does the climate transition affect inflation?
- 12/04/2022 The carbon footprint of the assets in the Riksbank’s foreign exchange reserves
- 07/04/2022 The path to a monetary policy decision
- 10/02/2022 Long-term unemployment in the wake of the pandemic
- 17/01/2022 Price dynamics in Sweden - Insights from a new dataset
- 03/12/2021 An overview of the economic consequences of the NGFS climate scenarios
- 08/11/2021 The development of risk premiums on covered bonds during the coronavirus pandemic
- 21/06/2021 The Riksbank's asset purchases during the coronavirus pandemic
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Updated 04/07/2024
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