Notices and Press releases
27/04/2021 Press release
Monetary policy decision: Asset purchases and zero interest rate support the recovery and inflation
16/04/2021 News, Consultation responses
The Riksbank intends to publish average rates and an index for SWESTR
15/04/2021 News
Few taking high risks on the Swedish fixed-income and foreign exchange markets
12/04/2021 News, Speeches
Ohlsson: Swedes have hidden wealth
07/04/2021 Economic Commentaries, News
The relationship between different prices, the exchange rate and economic activity
06/04/2021 Press release
A solution for the e-krona based on blockchain technology has been tested
31/03/2021 News, Consultation responses
Calculation method for STIBOR does not instil confidence
31/03/2021 Economic Commentaries, News
The Riksbank reports the carbon footprint for its holdings of corporate bonds
25/03/2021 News
The IMF’s report on Sweden’s economy
24/03/2021 News, Riksbank studies
Account of Monetary Policy 2020 – Most important task: to alleviate the effects of the coronavirus crisis on the economy
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Updated 04/02/2025
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