Notices and Press releases
20/12/2021 News
Riksbank joins the Federal Reserve's repo facility in USD
17/12/2021 News
The General Council of the Riksbank finds no conflict of interest in connection with monetary policy decisions
16/12/2021 News, Staff memo
Riksbank bond purchases also lower short-term interest rates
15/12/2021 News
Gunvor Engström new chairperson of Stiftelsen Tumba Bruk
14/12/2021 News
Climate risks affect the policy work
08/12/2021 Speeches
Per Jansson: Is it time for a more active fiscal policy?
07/12/2021 News, Riksbank studies
Shortcomings in the corporate bond market need to be addressed
06/12/2021 Press release, Minutes
Minutes of the Monetary Policy Meeting held on 24 November
03/12/2021 News, Economic Commentaries
Minor decrease of Sweden's GDP in NGFS climate scenarios
25/11/2021 Press release
Monetary policy decision: Zero interest rate and unchanged asset holdings
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Updated 10/03/2025
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