General Council decides on the allocation of the Riksbank’s profit
The General Council of the Riksbank has, in accordance with the Sveriges Riksbank Act, decided on the allocation of the Riksbank's profit for the financial year 2024. The Riksbank reports a profit of SEK 36 million for 2024. However, the profit is not large enough to ensure that the Riksbank’s equity after the allocation of profits will reach the target level for equity. This means that no profits will be transferred to the Treasury this year.
The General Council of the Riksbank has decided that the Riksbank’s profit for 2024 shall be allocated so that the profit of SEK 36 million is transferred to the Riksbank’s Reserve Fund.
A detailed account of the calculation of the allocation of profits is given in the Riksbank's petition to the Riksdag 2024/25:RB2.