News about financial stability
19/11/2021 News
IMF to assess financial stability in Sweden
10/11/2021 Press release
Strong recovery, but the vulnerabilities in the financial system are growing
08/11/2021 Economic Commentaries, News
The development of risk premiums on covered bonds during the coronavirus pandemic
04/11/2021 News
The Riksbank’s Financial Markets Survey: Risk-taking increasing among fixed-income and FX traders
02/11/2021 News, Staff memo
Can equity price movements be better explained when taking interest rates directly into account?
28/10/2021 News, Staff memo
No significant increase in financially vulnerable firms during the first year of the pandemic
01/10/2021 News
The Riksbank today starts publishing average rates and an index for SWESTR
30/09/2021 News
Central banks and BIS explore possible design of central bank digital currencies
07/09/2021 News
The Riksbank wants the EU to comply with Basel III
07/09/2021 News, Staff memo
Another perspective on financial stability risks
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Updated 17/01/2025
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