Card payments are the most accepted payment method among small businesses
Published: 10 March 2025
The payment methods accepted by most businesses for customer payments are Mastercard and Visa card payments. This is followed by Swish and cash payments (see figure 5). Payments by invoice are also accepted by a large proportion of businesses.
There are variations between retail and service businesses (restaurants and hairdressers). For example, the acceptance of Mastercard and Visa card payments is higher among hairdressers and restaurants compared to retail businesses. On the other hand, invoice payments are accepted by significantly more retail businesses than hairdressers and restaurants.
Furthermore, the acceptance of Swish payments is high among companies with small average purchases and highest among those with average purchases up to SEK 200. But acceptance is also high among companies with average purchases up to SEK 5,000.
The survey results for the retail sector show that a relatively high number of businesses accept Swish at physical points of sale. The proportion accepting Swish varies between just over 50 and just over 70 per cent in the different retail sectors, and on average Swish is accepted by just under 70 per cent of companies. Swish payments are thus accepted at about the same rate as cash in the physical retail sector.