Payments Report 2025

Global trends in the payments market

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Increased focus on resilience and preparedness

Published: 10 March 2025

The geopolitical tensions in the world have also contributed to a clear increase in the focus on payments system preparedness and resilience. Several Nordic countries have developed the possibilities for making offline payments with cards, that is, being able to pay with cards even when data communications are down. This has been done both through market agreements, as in Denmark and Norway, and through legislation, as in the Baltic countries. Read more in the box How our neighbours have strengthened payments system resilience with offline payments in the chapter Are payments in Sweden safe?. A further example of the strengthened preparedness work in the Nordic region is the back-up arrangement developed by Finland to ensure that payments can be made in the event of serious disruptions. The system will ensure that some common payment services work even if, for example, a major bank's system is down.