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Interest rates and exchange rates
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Search interest rates and exchange rates
Search annual and monthly average exchange rates
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Historical exchange rates and discontinued currencies
Policy rate, deposit and lending rate
The reference rate (pursuant to the Interest Act)
Retrieving interest rates and exchange rates via API
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FAQ – The API for interest rates and exchange rates
Series for the API
Explanations – interest rates and exchange rates
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Frequently asked questions about exchange rates
Currency codes
Riksbank rates
Swedish market rates
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International market rates
Effective exchange rate index
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Search SWESTR data
Calculation method and transaction dataset
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Data source for SWESTR
Report on the transaction dataset for SWESTR
Process for the publication
SWESTR average rates and index
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The Riksbank's role as administrator of SWESTR
For reporting agencies
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FAQs about reporting
Conditions for the use and re-publication of SWESTR
Collecting SWESTR via API
SWESTR Advisory Group
Historical estimates
Annual report on SWESTR
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Test period
Financial Market Statistics
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List of Swedish Monetary Financial Institutions
Balance of payments statistics
Securities statistics
Turnover statistics
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Money and Bond Markets
FX Market
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Questions and answers
Statistics on payments, banknotes and coins
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Statistics on payments
Payment habits of Swedish people
Statistics on banknotes and coins
Statistics on payments in RIX-RTGS
Riksbank's balance sheet
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The Riksbank's assets and liabilities, the Weekly Report
Official reserve assets (weekly report)
International Reserve and Foreign Currency Liquidity
The Riksbank's accounting principles
The framework for the Riksbank's equity in the Sveriges Riksbank Act
Published about the Riksbank’s balance sheet
Macro indicators and forecasts
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Forecasts and outcomes
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Retrieving forecasts and outcomes via API
Underlying inflation
Resource utilisation indicator
CPIF sub-groups
Statistics portals at other authorities
Historical Monetary Statistics of Sweden
International banking statistics
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Swedish banking groups
Swedish banking sector
More information
For reporting agents
Payments & cash
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Payments Report
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Payments Report 2025
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Trends on the payments market
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The Swedish payments market is almost entirely digital
Small businesses' views on payments
Many small retail businesses have stopped accepting cash
Global trends in the payments market
Safety, efficiency and accessibility
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Are payments in Sweden safe?
Are payments in Sweden efficient?
Are payments in Sweden accessible?
The Riksbank's work and recommendations
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The public's ability to pay in times of crisis and states of heightened alert needs to be strengthened
Everyone shall be able to pay
Future payments infrastructure needs to evolve
The RIX payments system needs to be able to handle future challenges
The future of the digital euro affects work on the e-krona
Annex: Numerical data
Payments Report 2024
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Trends in the payments market
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Payment habits in Sweden
Cash is rarely used and the supply of cash services is decreasing
Transfers abroad are perceived as safe but expensive
The digitalisation of payments is a global trend
Safety, efficiency and accessibility
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Are payments in Sweden safe?
Are payments in Sweden efficient?
Are payments in Sweden accessible?
The Riksbank’s work and policy
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Everyone must be able to pay
Payments should work even in crisis and war
Modernisation of the payment infrastructure necessary
More measures needed to protect cash
Work on the e-krona continues
Payments Report 2022
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Trends on the payment market
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In Sweden, we prefer to pay digitally
Paying by mobile phone is popular
Payments in stores are rarely made in cash
Difficult for many to pay digitally
One in ten sends money abroad
Safety and efficiency
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Are payments in Sweden safe?
Are payments in Sweden efficient?
The Riksbank’s work and policy
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The Riksbank is modernising its systems
The Riksbank gets clearer responsibility for cash
The Riksbank is making preparations for a possible e-krona
The Riksbank is working to improve cross-border payments
The Riksbank contributes to increased resilience
Payments Report 2021
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1. Trends on the payment market
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Pandemic hastening development towards digital payments
New opportunities and challenges with money in new forms
International harmonisation affects Sweden
2. Safety and efficiency
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Are payments in Sweden safe?
Are payments efficient?
3. The Riksbank's work and policy
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RIX further developed to meet future needs
The position of cash as legal tender needs strengthening
Test of technical solution for an e-krona
The Riksbank is actively participating in the international cooperation
Payments in Sweden 2020
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1. The payment market is being digitalised
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The coronavirus pandemic has affected how people in Sweden and abroad are making payments
Many people make payments by mobile, for example with Swish
Cash is losing ground
Cash free – not problem-free
Why are people in Sweden no longer using cash?
2. Swedish payments are secure and efficient
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Are payments in Sweden secure?
Are payments in Sweden efficient?
Fintech brings new solutions for the payment market
International payments need to be improved
3. The Riksbank is adapting to a changing world
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Swedish banknotes and coins – the Riksbank's new responsibility for cash handling
Payments in crisis situations and under heightened alert
Swedish payments to be integrated internationally
Digital money – the Riksbank’s e-krona pilot
International cooperation on central bank digital currency
Payments in Sweden 2019
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The payment market is being digitalised
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Key drivers and trends
Cash use in constant decline
More common to pay by mobile phone app (Swish)
Card payments still dominate
Cryptocurrencies are not normal money
Swedish payments are secure and efficient
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Security in Sweden is high from an international perspective
Digitalisation makes payments more efficient
International payments need to be streamlined
The Riksbank is adapting to the digital world
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Rapid payments require innovation
Digital cash: the e-krona project
The Riksbank intends to use TIPS
Government inquiry into the digital payment market
Strengthened preparedness in the financial sector
The Riksbank’s responsibility for payments
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Payments Inquiry – the state’s role in the payment market
Responsibility for civil preparedness for payments
The retail payments council
Infrastructure Council for Payments and Securities
The Cash Handling Advisory Board
Payments and sustainability
What is money?
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How much money is there in the economy?
How payments work
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The flows of cash
Notes & coins
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Valid banknotes
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20-krona banknote
50-krona banknote
100-krona banknote
200-krona banknote
500-krona banknote
1000-krona banknote
Invalid banknotes
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Banknotes that became invalid prior to 2016
Invalid 20-krona banknote
Invalid 50-krona banknote
Invalid 100-krona banknote
Invalid 500-krona banknote
Invalid 1000-krona banknote
Security features
Redeeming invalid banknotes
Redeeming damaged and discoloured banknotes
Security ink dyed banknotes
Design of the banknotes
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Valid coins
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1-krona coin
2-krona coin
5-krona coin
10-krona coin
Invalid coins
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Invalid 1-krona coin
Invalid 2-krona coin
Invalid 5-krona coin
Commemorative coins
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Redeeming commemorative coins
Copying and advertising
Obligation for major banks to provide certain cash services
Banknote and coin changeover 2015-2017
Questions and answers
The RIX payment system
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Participating in RIX
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Participants in RIX
How to become a RIX participant
Price list
Collateral for credit from the Riksbank
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Eligible assets
Application for approval of securities
Conditions and instructions
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Instructions and system documentation RIX-RTGS
Instructions and system documentation RIX-INST
Statistics on payments
Ongoing studies and projects
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ISO 20022
Study of instant cross-currency payments
Study of the Riksbank’s future settlement service
Processing of personal data
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E-krona reports
Published about e-krona
False information regarding the sale of e-kronas
The e-krona pilot – test of technical solution for the e-krona
Dialogue forum on the e-krona
Digital central bank money internationally
Difference between e-krona and crypto-assets
Monetary policy
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Monetary policy decisions
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Monetary Policy Reports and Updates
Monetary policy decision documents
In-depth analysis in the Monetary Policy Reports
Minutes of the Executive Board's monetary policy meetings
The inflation target
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What is inflation?
How is inflation measured?
History of the inflation target
Current inflation rate
What is monetary policy?
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What is the policy rate?
What is the policy rate forecast?
How monetary policy affects inflation
The importance of international developments for monetary policy
Evaluation of monetary policy
Complementary monetary policy measures
The path to a monetary policy decision
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Voting by the Executive Board
The Riksbank makes forecasts
How a monetary policy decision is implemented
Monetary policy and sustainability
Financial stability
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The Riksbank’s responsibility with regard to financial stability
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Preventing financial crises
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Collecting information
Continuous analysis and monitoring
Communication to contribute to the stability and efficiency of the financial system
Financial regulations
The Riksbank’s work on cyber risks
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Managing a financial crisis
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General liquidity support
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Offering credits
Entering into repurchasing agreements
Buying and selling financial instruments
Emergency liquidity assistance
Currency swap agreements
Climate change and financial stability risks
Cooperation on countercyclical capital buffer
Financial Stability Report
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Articles in the Financial Stability Report
The financial system
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The financial infrastructure
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Oversight of the financial infrastructure
Systems in the financial infrastructure
Harmonisation of the financial infrastructure
The banking system
Financial Stability Council
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The role of the Riksbank in financial markets
Riksbank rates
Operational framework for the implementation of monetary policy
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Monetary policy instruments
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Monetary policy counterparties
How to become a monetary policy counterparty
Conditions and instructions
Counterparties in Foreign Exchange Transactions
Counterparties with Access to Special Facilities for Central Counterparties (CCP)
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Eligible assets
Application for approval of securities
Market operations
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Riksbank Certificates
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Auction terms
Auction results
Historical data - Riksbank Certificates
Sale of government bonds
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Auction announcements
Auction results
Auction calendar
Monetary policy repos - historical data
Securities holdings in SEK
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Corporate bonds
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Holdings of corporate bonds - per bond
List of transactions for corporate bonds
Carbon footprint of the holdings of corporate bonds
Municipal bonds
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Holdings of municipal bonds - per obligation
List of transactions for municipal bonds
Government bonds
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Holdings of government bonds - per bond
List of transactions for government bonds
The carbon footprint of the Riksbank's holdings of government bonds
Treasury bills
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Holdings of treasury bills - per bill
List of transactions for treasury bills
Covered bonds
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Holdings of covered bonds - per bond
List of transactions for purchases of covered bonds
Measures in response to financial turmoil
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The Riksbank’s measures in connection with the corona pandemic
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Published about the Riksbank and the coronavirus pandemic
Frequently Asked Questions about the Riksbank's measures
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FAQs on funding for lending programmes
FAQ about purchases of securities during the corona pandemic
FAQs about loans in US dollars
FAQs about increased access to liquidity in Swedish kronor
Purchases of government bonds during the coronavirus pandemic
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Auction announcements
Auction results
Purchases of covered bonds during the coronavirus pandemic
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Auction announcements
Auction results
Purchases of corporate bonds during the coronavirus pandemic
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Auction announcements
Auction results
Weekly purchases
Purchases of municipal bonds during the coronavirus pandemic
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Auction announcements
Auction results
Purchases of commercial paper during the coronavirus pandemic
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Auction announcements
Auction results
Holdings of commercial papers - per paper
List of transactions for commercial papers
Purchases of treasury bills during the coronavirus pandemic
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Auction announcements
Auction results
Monthly market operations at longer maturities in kronor
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Auction announcements
Auction results
Loans in US dollars
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Auction announcements
Auction results
Funding to banks to support corporate lending
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Auction announcements
Auction results
Temporary monetary policy counterparties
The financial crisis 2007-2010
Riksbank’s balance sheet
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The Riksbank's assets and liabilities, the Weekly Report
Official reserve assets (weekly report)
International Reserve and Foreign Currency Liquidity
The Riksbank's accounting principles
The framework for the Riksbank's equity in the Sveriges Riksbank Act
Published about the Riksbank’s balance sheet
Interest-free deposits (deposit requirement)
The gold and foreign currency reserve
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The gold reserve
The foreign currency reserve
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The carbon footprint of the foreign exchange reserves
Hedging of foreign exchange reserves
Nordic Countries Foreign Exchange Committee
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Foreign Exchange Global Code
Asset management and sustainability
Press & published
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Notices and Press releases
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Debate articles
News about financial stability
News about monetary policy
News about payments and cash
News about the Riksbank
News about markets
Speeches and presentations
Riksbanken Play
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Account of monetary policy
Annual Report
Climate Report
Economic Commentaries
Economic Review
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Articles in the Economic Review
E-krona reports
Financial markets survey
Financial Stability Report
Monetary Policy Reports and Updates
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Articles in the Monetary Policy Reports
Other former publications
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EMU-related information
Financial Infrastructure Report
Monetary policy in Sweden - publication from 2010
The Riksbank and Financial stability
Brochures on notes & coins
Statistical Yearbook
Risk Survey
Payments Report
Riksbank studies
Staff memos
Statute book
The Riksbank's Business Survey
The Swedish Financial Market
Working paper Series
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Occasional Paper Series
Minutes of the Executive Board's monetary policy meetings
Cybersecurity competition
Press Contact
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Press photos
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Members of the Executive Board
Heads of Departments
Riksbank building
Consultations responses
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The Riksbank’s domestic consultation responses
The Riksbank’s international consultation responses
General Council consultation responses
Other consultations responses
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Calendar 2025
Holidays 2025
Subscribe to mailshots
About the Riksbank
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Tasks and operations
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About us
Economists at the Research Division
Economists in other divisions
Visiting Scholars
Internships for PhD students
Research publications
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Journal articles
External Review
Research Seminars
Research news
Economics prize
Historical Monetary Statistics of Sweden
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Volume I: Exchange Rates, Prices, and Wages, 1277-2008
Volume II: House Prices, Stock Returns, National Accounts, and the Riksbank Balance Sheet, 1620–2012
Volume III: Banking, Bonds, National Wealth, and Stockholm House Prices, 1420–2020
Database for event studies of Swedish monetary policy
International work
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Other EU cooperation
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IMF’s analysis of cross-border money laundering threats and vulnerabilities
BIS Innovation Hub Nordic Centre
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International cooperation for expert assistance
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Focus areas for sustainability work
Climate Report
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The Riksbank's Climate Report 2025
The Riksbank’s Climate Report 2023
The Riksbanks Climate Report 2021
Published on sustainability
Sustainability in internal work
Monetary policy and sustainability
Climate change and financial stability risks
Payments and sustainability
Asset management and sustainability
How the Riksbank is scrutinised
How the Riksbank is governed
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The Instrument of Government
The Sveriges Riksbank Act
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Background - new Sveriges Riksbank Act
The Rules of Procedure of the General Council
Internal regulatory framework
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Strategic Plan
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Communication policy
Financial risk and investment policy and underlying regulations
Policy for correspondent accounts in Swedish krona with the Riksbank
Policy for management and follow-up of RIX
Policy for the Riksbank’s operational framework for the implementation of monetary policy
Policy for the Riksbank's work to prevent money laundering
Policy for transaction-based reference rate, SWESTR
The Riksbank's Code of Ethics
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The Executive Board
The General Council
The Riksbank’s Statute Book
Why you should join us
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Current vacancies
How do I apply for a job at the Riksbank?
Degree project at the Riksbank
The Riksbank as a workplace
Information for those who have been offered a position with us
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Historical timeline
The Riksbank’s 350th anniversary
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Anniversary conference
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Films from the anniversary conference
Commemorative book
The publication “Sveriges Riksbank – a 350-year journey"
The building
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The architecture
The architect Peter Celsing
Former Governors of the Riksbank
Former Chairmans of the General Council
Money and power – the history of Sveriges Riksbank
The Riksbank archives
Processing of personal data
About the website
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Cookies at
Accessibility report
Open data – information available for re-use
Use of the Riksbank’s name and logo
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Payments Report 2025
The Riksbank's work and recommendations
Payments & cash
Payments & cash
Payments Report
Payments Report 2025
The Riksbank's work and recommendations
The Riksbank's work and...
Annex: Numerical data
Annex: Numerical data
Payments Report 2025
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The Riksbank's work and recommendations
Annex: Numerical data
Numerical data Payments report 2025 (Excel)
Published: 10 March 2025
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Payments Report 2025
Trends on the payments market
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The Swedish payments market is almost entirely digital
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Card payments most common but mobile phone payments on the rise
Cash use continues to decline
Small businesses' views on payments
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Card payments are the most accepted payment method among small businesses
Many companies prefer card payments but want to receive the money directly
Many small retail businesses have stopped accepting cash
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Cash acceptance differs widely between sectors
Security risks the main reason why businesses stopped accepting cash
Few small businesses say they can accept offline payments by card
Small businesses have difficulty estimating the cost of receiving payments
The Cash Inquiry proposes that food, medicine and public charges can be paid in cash
Global trends in the payments market
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Measures taken to address the decline in cash use
Cross-currency and cross-border payment systems are interconnected
Polarisation and fragmentation in the global payments infrastructure
Increased focus on resilience and preparedness
Preparations for a digital euro continue
Tokenisation and wholesale CBDC explored
Safety, efficiency and accessibility
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Are payments in Sweden safe?
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Swedish payments are safe but digitalisation adds to vulnerability
Fraud remains a major problem
Cash is used in criminal activities but cashless shops can create other problems
Number of forged banknotes has declined from a high level
A government e-ID could strengthen resilience
Are payments in Sweden efficient?
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Digital payment payments in Sweden are efficient
Many firms have difficulty estimating the cost of receiving payments
More competition among in-store payment methods is a good thing
Self-service can be effective but requires consumers to be able to pay digitally
There are too few ways to make instant payments in Sweden
Instant payments increase efficiency
RIX-INST enables competition and innovation
Faster and cheaper payments between countries
Foreign payments have become more efficient but much work remains to be done
Modernising the clearing infrastructure
Increased access to payment infrastructure can lead to more efficient payments
Are payments in Sweden accessible?
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Still problems with access to payment accounts
Access to basic payment services does not meet society's needs
Some digital payment methods are more accessible than others
New regulation can help increase accessibility
Difficult to get help with payments
The Riksbank's work and recommendations
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The public's ability to pay in times of crisis and states of heightened alert needs to be strengthened
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The Sveriges Riksbank Act includes provisions on preparedness for payments
Need to extend the possibility to pay by card offline
The Riksbank takes the lead in peacetime crises and states of heightened alert
The Riksbank's responsibility for cash
More measures needed for a sustainable cash chain
Introduce a cash obligation and a threshold for cash payments
Everyone shall be able to pay
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Access to payment accounts needs to increase
Payment options for different consumer needs
Future payments infrastructure needs to evolve
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Developments in the payments market require modernisation of the infrastructure
External evaluation of payments infrastructure points to areas for improvement
Riksbank study on future Swedish payments infrastructure
Modernisation of the clearing infrastructure is urgent
Broadening the influence over the future payments infrastructure
Strengthening the conditions for competition in the payments market by increasing price transparency
The RIX payments system needs to be able to handle future challenges
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The Riksbank is modernising its systems
The future of the digital euro affects work on the e-krona
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The Riksbank's work on a central bank digital currency
Important to follow the development of a digital euro
E-krona project phase 4 - Offline payments
Climate impact of a potential e-krona
Annex: Numerical data
Payments & cash
Payments & cash
Payments Report
Payments Report 2025
The Riksbank's work and recommendations
The Riksbank's work and...
Annex: Numerical data
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