New regulation can help increase accessibility
Published: 10 March 2025
In June 2025, the Act on the accessibility of certain products and services will enter into force. The law aims to make banking and payment services more accessible through requirements such as standardisation. This means, for example, that the information about a service should be perceived by more than one mind and presented in an understandable way. According to the rules, apps should be made accessible in a consistent and effective manner by making them perceivable, manageable, understandable and robust. Payment terminals and self-service machines, such as ATMs and ticket machines, are also subject to accessibility requirements.
The law should make services easier to use. At the same time, criticism has been levelled that the law and the EU Accessibility Directive, from which the law originates, do not sufficiently cover cognitive accessibility. In addition, there are concerns that there are too many possibilities to make exceptions from the requirements.