How the deposit base is calculated

The deposit base consists of deposits and debt securities issued, with some exceptions. It forms the basis for the allocation of the deposit requirement among the credit institutions and branches subject to the requirement.

The deposit requirement applies to all credit institutions and branches operating in Sweden, i.e. Swedish credit institutions domiciled in Sweden, or a Swedish branch of a credit institution domiciled outside Sweden. A credit institution's or branch’s deposit base consists of its deposits and debt securities issued, with the following exceptions:

  • Liabilities to other credit institutions or branches subject to the Riksbank's deposit requirement.
  • Liabilities to other credit institutions or branches subject to a similar requirement in another EEA country. However, the ECB's reserve requirement does not count as an equivalent requirement.
  • Liabilities to the Riksbank.

Concerning Swedish credit institutions:

  • Only liabilities related to Swedish operations are included in the deposit base.
  • This means that if a Swedish credit institution has a branch abroad, the liabilities of the branch should not be included, as they belong to foreign operations. For the purpose of calculating the deposit base, the branch is thus treated as a separate entity and not as part of the Swedish credit institution.
  • However, liabilities to an own foreign branch shall be included. This means that if the head office in Sweden has borrowed from its own branch abroad, this liability should be included in the deposit base. The reason is that the liability belongs to the Swedish business operation, even if the lender is a branch of the same entity.

Concerning branches in Sweden of foreign credit institutions:

  • Liabilities related to the branch's operations in Sweden are included in the deposit base.
  • The branch's deposit base thus consists of its own liabilities, as these are linked to operations in Sweden.
  • Liabilities to the foreign head office of the branch are included, as they relate to operations in Sweden.

Deductions for liabilities to others subject to the deposit requirement and to the Riksbank

When calculating the deposit base, deductions are made for liabilities to other credit institutions or branches (collectively "institutions") that are subject to the deposit requirement, and for liabilities to the Riksbank. Deductions for deposits between institutions are based on the data reported to the Riksbank. However, it is not specified which deductions are to be made for issued debt securities owned by other institutions.

For institutions issuing securities, it can be difficult to determine the amount of the deduction, as the issuer does not always have information on who owns their securities. The Riksbank has access to statistics on the institutions' securities holdings, but as these are covered by confidentiality, they cannot be used at a detailed level to make the deductions. However, they can serve as a basis for determining standard deductions.

The statistics show that it is mainly covered bonds and bonds issued by Kommuninvest that are owned by other institutions and by the Riksbank. To ensure that the deductions are as fair as possible, the Riksbank will therefore calculate two standard deductions: one for covered bonds and bonds issued by Kommuninvest, and one for other bonds. This approach allows for a calculation of the deductions with good precision.

Institutions have the possibility to certify the deductions to be made. If the deductions cannot be certified, the standard deduction is applied. If they can be certified, the Riksbank will apply the largest deduction.

For 2025, the standard deduction for covered bonds and bonds issued by Kommuninvest is 24.4 percent, and for other bonds 1.2 percent. The standard deductions are calculated on the basis of the conditions as of 31 December 2024, i.e. the same date on which the calculation of the deposit base is based. The two standard deductions will be updated annually.

Deduction for liabilities to other institutions subject to equivalent requirements in another EEA country

When calculating the deposit base, deductions shall be made for liabilities to other institutions that are subject to a requirement in another EEA country that corresponds to the Riksbank's deposit requirement. However, other deposit requirements, such as those imposed for monetary policy purposes, are not covered. This means, for example, that the ECB's reserve requirements are not considered equivalent to the Riksbank's deposit requirements. As far as the Riksbank is aware, no other EEA country has a corresponding requirement at present.

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Updated 17/03/2025