Former Governors of the Riksbank

Here you can read about the people who have been governors at the Riksbank since 1901 onwards.

Stefan Ingves (2006-22)

Lars heikensten (2003-05)  Urban Bäckström (1994-02)

Bengt Dennis (1982-93) Lars Wohlin (1979-82)

Carl-Henrik Nordlander (1976-79) Krister Wickman (1973-76)

Per Åsbrink (1955-73) Mats Lemne (1951-55)

Klas Böök (1948-51) Ivar Rooth (1929-48)

Victor Moll (1912-29) Bror Karl Johan Langenskiöld (1901-12)

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Updated 24/01/2025